Monday, November 1, 2010

Why do you run?

Yesterday marked the 35th Marine Corps Marathon (MCM). It was a beautiful day and the Knight and I got out (in our convict costumes) to do a little cheering. It was wonderful cheering on friends, teammates and strangers alike. For the first time in five years, neither of us was competing. We were already feeling the marathon itch, and watching from the sidelines definitely increased that feeling.

It is time. Yes, I am ready to sign up for marathon numero ocho. Something struck me while I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago and I knew I was ready to get back in the game.

Don’t get me wrong. 2010 was a great year. No big races = much more chill time. (Well, okay, technically the Goofy Challenge in January was this year.) But after all of the excitement of last year and my constant training since I set my sights on MCM 2006, I decided to dial it back for a change.

It has been a great year! I was an IronSherpa and I even completed my very first sprint triathlon. Yes, only I am so backwards as to race an Ironman one year and my first sprint the next. Ha!

Last week I sketched out a training plan with the Shamrock Marathon as my goal race. It is in Virginia Beach the weekend following St. Patrick’s Day – which is also my birthday.

Last Saturday I hit the road and had the most invigorating and satisfying run I’ve had in ages. I planned to run 8 miles and around mile 3 I had the craziest thought: “Shoot, only 5 miles to go.” I was having such a good time that I didn’t want it to end.

Having a goal just does it for me. It makes me happy. You psycho-analytic types can have a field day with that one.

Ode Street Tribune, a local blog, put together a cute little video after yeesterday’s race where marathon finishers spoke about why then run.

So why do YOU run? Short races? Long races? Even triathlons. What keeps you going? What motivates you to fork over your hard-earned dough for the privilege of racing?

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