Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: New House Edition

1 - On Saturday we moved to the tree house. It went perfectly. The guys from Majestic Movers did an awesome job.
A (very flattering) picture of the front of the tree house

2 - I love the house more than I imagined I would.

3 - The house was built in 1954 and it has a wonderful, mid-century modern style that we want to enhance.

4 - Unfortunately, it also has some retro touches that aren’t as desirable. Who hasn’t heard about my circa 1980s mauve/grey laminate cabinets yet?

Those are them. They are worse in person.

5 - I’m actually starting to appreciate said laminate cabinets. Although I still don’t appreciate the aesthetics, it turns out they are really well made and were probably top of the line in their day.

6 - Earl Grey and Pepper, our two cats, had a very interesting reaction to the move. I brought them over in their carriers and when I let them out Pepper just walked around meowing his head off. Earl refused to leave the carrier for a long time, and when he did come out he very cautiously prowled around for a few minutes, hissing every minute or so, and then hid for a half day. Everyone seems to be happy now.  

7 - We now have a yard and we want to start composting. The tons of discarded pulp from our morning juicing will be a great start. We just have to figure out how to get started.

8 - Our realtor Lisa (the most awesome realtor ever) was right when she said that the silence is deafening. It is quite a contrast to the constant buzz of Clarendon.

9 - We found a great tenant for our condo. Yay!

10 - The new neighborhood is awesome. We moved to Lake Barcroft, a 1000+ home community in Falls Church, between Rt. 50 and Columbia Pike, just west of Arlington and east of Sleepy Hollow Road. During my three-mile run on Sunday, tons of neighbors greeted me. It was only a 4 minute run to the lake via the trail. I think we’re going to love it here.

11 - We now have three fireplaces. The Knight recently referred to me as a pyromaniac. Regardless of whether that is true or not, I am really excited to have real, wood-burning fireplaces for the first time ever. Although it is currently 60 degrees out, I think we should have a fire tonight to celebrate my birthday. For some reason, the Knight disagrees.

12 - Speaking of fire, Tuesday night I cooked on my gas stove and it was so nice. I am really happy to be done with my electric cooktop.

13 - The kitchen is almost totally unpacked. Next I’m going to work on getting my closet in order. I’m actually losing space so it will be a challenge.

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