Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A cookie…in your purse????

“When things are bad and getting worse, keep a cookie in your purse.”

During a particularly stressful time back in my law school days, my sweet sister gave me this adorable card. It was shaped like a cookie and it had the above quote inside. It was so cute and it was just what I needed. Knowing Sis, I think the card may have been given with a cookie (or three).

Things are actually going pretty well. Thank goodness for Congress being out of session and my boss being out of the office. This week has been wonderfully quiet. Which is perfect since my new iPad arrived Monday night and yesterday I was a bit distracted by my new toy. Shhhhh….

Don’t worry….I’m getting back to the cookies. Stay with me.

So, the injections started Friday night and it was a little confusing but it actually went pretty well. Shady Grove Fertility gives you this 30+ page document that contains very detailed instruction for every possible medicine they prescribe. I’m using two different prescriptions, both with very different procedures for mixing and preparing. I’ll spare you the details but I will say it is challenging a little scary. And with each vial of medicne costing a few hundred dollars (yes, per dose), you really don't want to screw it up.

Saturday night didn’t go as well. For some unknown reason, I bled at the injection site after both injections. Not a lot, but just enough to freak me out (especially because I didn’t have that probem the night before). According the nurse I consulted on Monday, it's normal. Good thing, since I continue to bleed around 75% of the time.

Inserting the needles isn’t all that bad. But one of the medicines burns as you inject it and for a while afterwards. Not fun. Not fun at all.

It got to a point where I was really dreading the injections and I started saying that I needed a reward afterwards. You know, like the prizes you’d get at the dentist when you were a kid. Do you see where I’m going with this???

So yesterday when I read about these cookies on my feed from the Clarendon Culture blog, I knew they’d be just the thing to take the sting out of my evening (hahaha, I crack myself up).

I stopped by Trader Joe’s on the way home and picked up a box from the frozen aisle. Each cookie is only 75 calories but they are pretty tiny. After dinner I defrosted them on the counter (one for me, one for the Knight). Then after the tough stuff, I consoled myself with this deliciousness.

You know what? I’m looking forward to tonight so I can have another cookie. Mission accomplished!

For the record, yes, I am using food as an emotional crutch. Also for the record, I have gained 3 pounds (and 3 pimples) since beginning these hormone injections, and that was before starting the cookie plan. I suppose you could say that now is not the time to start adding cookies to my diet, but I disagree. Just a few more days of this…

Fetus cookies, anyone? Ummm. No thanks. Weird.

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