Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Almost the Weekend!

Deep breath. Ahhhh.

I love Fridays. So much.

I especially love Fridays that are at the end of tough weeks.

I guess I should catch up on everything since my last post. To say I was touched and overwhelmed by the response to my decision to share the details of the latest happenings in my life would be an understatment. Thank you all for reaching out with so much love and support. I feel truly blessed.

The recovery went very well. I enjoyed the downtime, much of which was spent on the sofa watching streaming netflix (love it!). For some reason I had ongoing headaches. That kept me pretty quiet most of the week. Since that was the worst of my worries, I can't really complain. I was so good about not unpacking, cleaning, or doing all of the other tasks that were calling out to me.

The first week back at work was fine. A little discomfort in the waist-band area, but fine overall. And that's about all I want to say about the workweek...

Going forward, here's what's on tap.

This weekend - the Face of America event, a 2-day 110-mile bike ride from DC to Gettysburg in honor of veterans. The Knight and many of my friends will ride along with wounded veterans for this amazing event. The Knight did it last year and hasn't stopped talking about it since. Since I'm still on the exercise ban :(, I'll be volunteering. I'm really hoping the weather isn't as bad as is currently forecasted. It is not fun riding (or volunteering) in rain or storms. Please consider making a donation to this wonderful cause if you haven't already.

Tonight - In my last post, I alluded to the whole baby-making procedure being a little "complicated." Well, tonight I will start injections so that we can prepare for IVF (in-vitro fertilization). I'm kind of undecided about how much of this to share, but it feels right to talk about it. I guess if you don't want to know, you can always stop reading.

I'm just a tad nervous about the injections. I'm actually fine with the whole needle thing. I went to a class on how to do the injections and I'm fine with it. I'm more nervous about the specifics. You have to mix this much of that substance, with a so many milligrams of that substance. I have an instructional brochure, so hopefully it won't be a big deal. It should be interesting.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Don't forget to donate if you can. Thanks!

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