Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Knot Baby

I have another amusing story to share about my wacko body. Yesterday afternoon I went to the ladies room and as I unzipped my pants I noticed something on my stomach. It was right over one of my incisions and I thought it was weird but that perhaps it was a little bit of a a scab flaking off.

Nope. When I looked at it closely I noticed that not only was it a long (half inch), thin white thing, but it had a knot at the end. A knot! That's no scab. And it was coming right out of the middle of what I thought was a closed, and healed, incision.

Freaky! I felt like I was giving birth to an alien stitch baby. How the heck does that happen?

I called the doctor's office and the nurse said it was normal and I could cut it off. Okay. Fine. But why in the world and I projecting stitches at this point?

I explained to the nurse that I had run for the first time in three weeks the day before. She didn't think that was a problem. She said it would take months - MONTHS?!? - for me to get back to normal physically. And that was before I told her that I was in the middle of IVF. 2011 is going to be an interesting - but GREAT year.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Put a bead on it!