Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Fifteen

It's Friday. I'm bored. How about breaking tradition and having a Friday Fifteen?

1. The surgery this morning went well and I am feeling way better than I thought I would. I'm a little tender and woozy, but otherwise, I feel pretty good.

2. I've been awake for around 5 hours and I have to admit that I am already getting restless.

3. I watched Eat, Pray, Love on Netflix. I wasn't really entertained. The book was much better.

4. "Watching" the pilot of Thirtysomething now. The 80's hair and clothing is distracting me.

5. Earl Grey, aka smarty pants, is really freaked about something on my healing body. He keeps sniffing me and backing away when I try to pet him.

6. However, Pepper, aka the love cat, is oblivious that anything is up (as usual) and seems a little offended that I won't let him lay on my belly.

7. If anyone wants to come over for a visit or a walk, I think I'll be ready soon. Send me a note.

8.  Okay, so, many of you know that I had surgery this morning but I haven't really told many people the story. If you want to know a little bit, read on. If not, skip 10-12.

9. The Knight and I want to have a baby. For a variety of reasons, which I won't go into just yet, it will be a little more complicated than it could be. But no worries, we're Ironmen, and we can handle it.

10. In the course of doing some routine tests a couple of weeks ago, the doctor discovered a problem. One of my fallopian tubes was blocked. It isn't clear why or how it happened, but there are solutions.

11. The specialist checked out the scans and decided to to do surgery. He said there was a 50/50 chance that he could repair it. If not, he'd remove it. For some reason I just knew that he'd have to remove it and that's exactly what he did. At least I don't have to worry about it becoming a problem again in the future.

12. The surgery was done lapascopically. The put the camera in through my belly button and made two incisions in my abdomen. I've got soluble stitches and dermabond. They didn't put bandages over it and it looks kinda scary. I decided to stop looking at it.

13. I feel so incredibly fortunate that a) this was discovered before I got pregnant. It would have caused a miscarriage if it wasn't; b) we have good jobs and health insurance and we are in a position to be able to take care of all of this; c) I have such an amazing support system.

14. Another cool thing about this morning's surgery is that my friend and teammate, Dr. Pam, was at the surgery center this morning. Total coincidence! It turns out she's part owner of the facility and was doing a surgery there this morning, too. She put the word out and everyone who came by to care for us treated us like VIPs (and called us Ironpeople). It was so nice. [BTW, Pam is interested in racing IM Arizona. I remember reading something on facebook about a source for sold-out charity slots. Anyone know anything? Email Pam, Carol or me.]

15. The Knight just returned home from the commissary with lots of goodies including an electric blanket. No, they don't have electric blankets there; he stopped at the exchange, too. Now he's making me cheesy scrambled eggs. I'm so lucky!

I know there's a lot here. Just be glad that I didn't decide to do a Friday FIFTY :) You may be hearing a lot from me over the next week. I am scheduled to go back to work 4/11.

Thanks for reading and thank you so much for all of the nice notes and texts.

Lots of love,

P.S. - I am not on any medication at the moment - not even ibuprofen. So this post was done as lucidly as any other post I've made.


Relentless Forward Commotion said...

Sorry to hear you had to have surgery but happy to hear that there will be a little OllyCat in the future! :) Wishing you a speedy recovery my friend!

Heather Jones said...

Wow, you have been through a lot lately. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through all this. I hope you're feeling better soon. We need to get together one of these days - there is so much for us to catch-up on I'm sure. In the meantime, take care of yourself and get some rest this week. And enjoy snuggling with your new electric blanket!

Carrie Lee said...

I'm thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way. We can't wait to see you & your Knight later this month. I hope you feel better soon.