Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Biking and Pizza

Biking! What? You didn't know I bike. Yeah, well, what feels like a long time ago, I used to blog about my adventures in training for an Ironman. I used to do quite a bit of this cycling thing.

Since I still own my bike (you may remember that her name is Ms. Piggy), lately I've been testing myself to see if I still remember how it works. Yup, I do. I can even clip in and out, pedal, and everything. It is quite wonderful...

I was never fast, but having taken so much time off from the bike, I've gotten even slower. Oh well. As long as I am not trying to keep up with anyone or climb any ridiculous hills, I really enjoy being on the bike.

This weekend I persuaded the Knight to do his 20-mile recovery ride with me. As soon as I passed the entrance to the Bluemont Junction trail I had a brilliant idea. Pupatella!

Really, it was a brilliant plan. Once I caught up with the Knight, who has always been a speedy biker, I convinced him that we needed to refuel with pizza before heading home.

I cannot explain how much I love this place. The pizzas are so simple, but so incredibly delicious. How can so few ingredients taste so good? It is the essence of good food. I highly recommend that you try it. Start with the "REAL MARGHERITA DOC" and go from there.

I realized that I could really increase my bike fitness if I rewarded myself with Pupatella after (or during) every ride. I would ride all of the time.

It is half a block away from the end of the Bluemont Junction trail (right off the Custis trail) - just west of the intersection of Wilson Blvd and George Mason Drive. Let me know if you need more details.


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