Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blogs: They're Meant to be Read

Before that whole Ironman thing, I was a blog-less woman. I know, I know, it is so hard to remember those days. But alas, I had nowhere other than Facebook to post my always insightful musings (ahem) and details of the latest training session.

Back in those days, I knew several people who had blogs, but I wasn't a regular blog reader. I didn't even know about Google Reader (how did I survive?). Every now and then, when work was slow, I'd check out a few different blogs that I'd bookmarked. All the while, I secretly felt like a stalker, and would never tell the writers that I had read them, and of course I'd never leave a comment.

...And then I started my blog. And I practically wanted to beg people to read it. I shared my thoughts, my pictures, and my funny stories, and it thrilled me every time someone commented or mentioned that they had read what I blogged.

I am pretty sure that most bloggers feel the same way. We write because we want to share. If we don't want you, our undefined and unknown body of readers, to know something, we don't share it.

Two things continue to surprise me:

1) the number of people who have reached out to me to say that they've read about our IVF journey and have gone through the process (or something related); and

2) how many readers sheepishly admit that they've read the blog, as though they peeked in my diary or something. I get it...but I'm here to tell you, it is OKAY.

Let's be clear: I want you to read this blog. Please don't be shy about commenting (I absolutely love comments!!!).

With regard to the IVF journey, I thought long and hard about whether to discuss it here. It seems like such a taboo topic for most people.  I thought about who might read it... Would my step-children (ages 20 and 22) see this blog? Do I want people who I barely know to read about the details of this difficult and emotional process? How about the Knight's ex-wife - or my ex-husband? Will they somehow find this blog? And if they do, do I care? Why shouldn't I share all of this with the world - or at least my 10 faithful readers?

I decided that I didn't want to hide what I was going through. It is just awkward for me to be less than forthcoming and I just couldn't figure out a good way to bring it up in conversation.

At the time that we began considering IVF, I knew two ladies who had been through IVF (successfully) and I wasn't really sure if they would want to talk about it. I felt awkward about bringing it up. 

Then I wrote that blog post on April 1st and I started receiving such wonderful, supportive notes from everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how supported that made me feel - and continue to feel. I began to realize that I actually know a lot of people who have been through this and pretty much everyone is willing to talk about it, share advice, and give pep talks.

Blogging about all of this was a good decision and I am so glad that I have opened up about this part of my life. I still want to share what I'm going through. Maybe someone will learn something that will help them in the future. Maybe I will learn something. At the very least, blogging saves me from some of the individual questions asking, "What's the status?" although I never mind talking about this. Well, there was that one day when I got the bad news, but...

Writing is therapeutic. I could put this all in a journal, but I have chosen to put it here, for all to see. I would love it if you would leave a comment here [really, it is easy - you can even do it anonymously] to let me know that you're reading.

Keep reading... I expect a very happy ending to this story and I can't wait to share it with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting and share's good to know others are going through the same thing. I have not tried it yet...but have been think about it for a year at least. So I want to know the whole process, and wish all the best for you.